Taking care of your vehicle 101

We all know the basics of keeping our vehicles in good condition. Having the oil changed on a regular basis and the tires rotated every so often. Going slow over speed bumps, not parking under the trees and having our vehicle washed when it needs it. If you work a...

The Dog Days Of Summer

When you think about summer, we think about things like vacations, cookouts, time spent with family, 4th of July, fireworks, going to the lake, going to the beach, taking that awesome road trip with your friends. But have you ever stepped back and thought about what...

Preparing for your end of summer vacation

It’s summertime again. It’s amazing how fast the year goes by. Your family, you’re all ready to pack up the minivan and get your neighbor to collect your mail, there won’t be any trash cans to take out. You’re going to head down to the...

12 Tips For Keeping Your Vehicle In Top Shape

Every vehicle is an important investment and should be treated as such. We’ve put together some of our top tips for keeping your vehicle in great shape so you can enjoy it for years to come /or/ be able to sell it in a few years for more than you would be to...